Friday, September 30, 2011

Digital Story : Proposal

For my digital story i will be taking on the idea of my missionary project in Pennsylvania that i encountered while in my sophomore year of high school. This memory is very fond to me because not only did i help change a families relationship, but i changed the opportunities and lives of their kids and themselves. Based on the lectures through First Year Seminar as well as the multiple hours of classwork put in to learn and use a Blog, not only do i understand the knowledge of this social network but i have a Facebook and a twitter to help communicate and learn about new activities and world events. The storyline for my digital story will consist of the people that i went with from my church group, starting from who they are, where they are from, the place we resided in doing our trip, and the gathering of Presbyterian people to help support one another for a good cause. From then i will move into the family, who they are, what they do, how they got to where they are now, and how we as a community can help them. For the third part in the story i plan to tell of the things we did to help this family out, how we changed their lives as well as the steps we made to better ourselves as well as this family in dire need. I intend to use the digital story to support my views of how social justice will tie into the culture of this family as compared to my life and how i live on a daily basis in Buffalo, NY. I intend to use still photos mainly, and make my digital story come to life with detail and emotion as best as i can. with the use of the resources given of the webpage of Dr. Shutkin i have many options to choose from in regards to how i can show the audience my experience and how it changed me as a person.
Annotated Sources:
(this super site will be efficient in helping to tell me how to properly plan and organize my ideas) (for the actual digital story telling)
If there are any questions or concerns, feel free to ask.

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